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Confirmation 24th February 2024

RETREAT. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week, for a couple of hours, each class will do a retreat in preparation for Confirmation. This will be facilitated by Sr. Betty Baker.  The children will also have confession on that day.

SPONSORS PRACTICE.  We ask that each child’s sponsor will attend a practice on Thursday next, February 15th at 7.30 pm in St. Mary’s.  It is very important that they attend so as to know their assigned seat and also to be familiarised with what they will have to do during the ceremony.  In the event that they are unable to attend, we ask that a parent or grandparent attend in their place and relay the information to them.

THE CEREMONY ON THE 24th. Because the number of children being confirmed is now over 70, we ask that you would bring just immediate family to the church, due to capacity restrictions. We suggest parents, siblings and grandparents attend the ceremony.  In the celebrations after, you will have the opportunity to catch up with other family members.

CEREMONY RECORDED.  The Ceremony will be live streamed and recorded on our webcam and can be downloaded from our Church Services website for up to 90 days after.  We ask you not to use cameras or mobile phones during the ceremony.  These are completely unnecessary, given the ceremony is being recorded, and they just take from the prayerfulness and solemnity of this very important occasion for the children.

TEACHERS. I would like to thank the class teachers for all their work and cooperation in preparing for the ceremony, it is very much appreciated by the parish.

PARKING. Regarding parking, as well as the grounds of the church, parking is also available in the School of Music behind the church. Please enter off Athlunkard St. and you will be directed from there.

We look forward to seeing you on the 24th.

Tel : (061) 340 614 | Email : office@saintnicholasparish.ie
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